21 Jun 2007

America's Addiction To Prison

clipped from www.opednews.com
Minorities and the poor have suffered the wrath of an unjust system for years.

Instead of questioning why Sheriff Lee Boca sent the confused hotel heiress home, citizens should wonder why he, according

to the Los Angeles Times, is the highest-paid local elected official in the nation.   Find out why the state built 21 new prisons, and only one new university from 1984 to 1996. 
The media could evolve beyond stories on Paris Hilton's prison stay and feature some of the talent wasted due to our prison-addicted society
I have a dream that one day this nation will look beyond race and class and recognize that our criminal justice system is terminally ill. I
Paris Paris Hilton  needs counseling; but our criminal justice system needs a transplant.  The public needs to wake up from their celebrity-induced coma and focus on the real issues. 
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