7 Jul 2007


clipped from www.latimes.com

Colombia army chief linked to outlaw militias

The allegations come as Congress reviews aid to the U.S. ally. The CIA says the intelligence hasn't been fully vetted.

The CIA has obtained new intelligence alleging that the head of Colombia's U.S.-backed army collaborated extensively with right-wing militias that Washington considers terrorist organizations, including a militia headed by one of the country's leading drug traffickers.

President Bush called Uribe a "personal friend" two weeks ago during a visit to Bogota, and his government is one of the Bush administration's closest allies in Latin America.
LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT: The USA is supporting a dictator who also commands his own death squads and he the country's leading Drug Boss.

Yup....that what this story says. What a surprise, my gosh.

Our tax dollars at work. Another great example of the USA spreading peace and democracy and joy around the wold. Another example of TRUTH being trampled by blood and bullets.

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